I am a Senior at Texas A&M University majoring in Computer Science Engineering and minoring in Mathematics. I am a creative thinker with a passion for technology and seek to explore the different ways it can help to revolutionzie the world.
Recent Projects
As a lover of music, I thought it would be interesting to see just how diverse one's music taste is so, utilizing Spotify's API, I created Diverseify which offers a user friendly and simple way to determine the diversity of one's taste in music.
Note: I purposefully spelled Diverseify incorrectly because I figured having a website named "Diversify" centered around music instead of the diversity of people would be insensitive.
For the term project in my Human Computer Interaction class, me and my group created a web accessibility extension for Google Chrome. For many websites, there are not setting configurations to best accomodate different disabilities and this prototype would help alleviate that problem by adding customization.
In the Fall of 2020, I was a full-stack developer (worked primarily in React and with Google Firebase and the PayPal API) on a project called Auxillia for my CSCE 315 course. Auxillia is a website where students can receive help from tutors that not only have the expertise in the subject/field, but also went to the same school and perhaps even had the same teacher as the student. This allows for help to be more effective and targeted towards the student seeking assistance, especially in comparison to similar products.
Note: Linked is a test run of the demo for our presentation. Please excuse my attire as it was freezing in my room :).
In the Spring of 2021 for my Software Engineering course, I served as the Scrum Master of the RotaractEventTracker team where we worked on an event tracker for the Aggie Roaract organization. Aggie Rotaract had lost access to their previous website and were using SignUpGenius to have members sign up for events but this was obviously not the most ideal situation. So, we consolidated all of their needs into one secure and easy to use website that they can use as soon as the Fall of 2021.
Note: This website was created using Ruby on Rails. Linked is our presentation and demo that we showed to an audience of 75+ people.
Course scheduling can be a very stressful task so we created TAMUGrades which allows students to find the grade distribution of classes at Texas A&M University.